Passing Storage Account Secret Key Dynamically in Azure DevOps Pipelines
2 min read

Managing secrets securely is a critical aspect of cloud and DevOps practices. When working with Azure Storage Accounts, you might need to dynamically pass the secret key to scripts or tasks. In this article, I will explain how to achieve this using Azure CLI, PowerShell, and the Replace Tokens task in Azure DevOps.
In this article, I will deploy Terraform resources using Azure DevOps. Please find the code in below repo
Define Variables
To begin, we need to create a variable called storagekey
. The value of this variable will be empty initially and will be dynamically fetched by the pipeline using a PowerShell script. Make sure to mark the variable as "Settable at release time."
Add Azure PowerShell script: InlineScript task
In this task, include the PowerShell script that fetches the storage account key and passes it to your pipeline.
$key = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $(terraformrg) -AccountName $(terraformstorageaccount))[0].Value
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=storagekey]$key"
This script retrieves the storage account key dynamically and stores it in the pipeline variable storagekey
Replace Tokens Task
The Replace Tokens task allows you to dynamically replace placeholders in your code with pipeline variables. Follow these steps:
Specify Source Code and Target Files:
- In the task configuration, define the source code directory and the target files where the placeholders need to be replaced.
Set Prefix and Suffix:
- Use the same prefix and suffix as defined in your code. For example, if your placeholders look like
__, set the prefix to and the suffix to__
- Use the same prefix and suffix as defined in your code. For example, if your placeholders look like
When the pipeline runs, the Replace Tokens task will substitute the placeholders in the target files with the values of the corresponding pipeline variables.
Why This Approach Works
By dynamically fetching the storage account secret key and passing it securely through the pipeline:
Security: Secrets are not hardcoded, reducing the risk of exposure.
Automation: The pipeline can handle key rotations without manual intervention.
Flexibility: The Replace Tokens task ensures that the updated key is seamlessly integrated into your code.
This method allows you to securely and dynamically manage storage account secret keys in Azure DevOps pipelines. When keys are recreated, the pipeline remains unaffected, ensuring smooth and secure operations. By following these steps, you can enhance the security and automation of your DevOps workflows.